Jabbla Allora 2
The Allora 2 is a portable device intended for people who no longer have the use of speech but who are able to write a text via a traditional keyboard. The written texts are vocalized by a high-performance, clear and powerful voice synthesis allowing use even in a noisy context (classroom, family meal, work meeting, street use, etc.).
In certain situations where communication is more discreet, the Allora2 can transmit its messages to the recipient only by a written message via a detachable Bluetooth screen.
Typing text is accelerated by intelligent and efficient word prediction that personalizes as you use it. Added to this is the ability to save a plethora of frequently used phrases that can be quickly found.
Finally, the Allora2 is partially waterproof for outdoor use or for people with salivation problems.
A finger guide is included as standard for people with movement coordination problems. The keys are also configurable in this sense: minimum press time, repetition speed, etc.
In short, this clever device is intended primarily for IMC people with dysarthria, people with speech difficulties following a stroke or a neurodegenerative disease.